
Fill overview page

zfit.pdf.BasePDF(obs[, params, dtype, name])

zfit.pdf.BaseFunctor(pdfs[, name])

zfit.pdf.Exponential([lam, obs, name, lambda_])

Exponential function exp(lambda * x).

zfit.pdf.CrystalBall(mu, sigma, alpha, n, obs)

Crystal Ball shaped PDF.

zfit.pdf.DoubleCB(mu, sigma, alphal, nl, …)

Double sided Crystal Ball shaped PDF.

zfit.pdf.Gauss(mu, sigma, obs[, name])

Gaussian or Normal distribution with a mean (mu) and a standartdeviation (sigma).

zfit.pdf.Uniform(low, high, obs[, name])

Uniform distribution which is constant between low, high and zero outside.

zfit.pdf.TruncatedGauss(mu, sigma, low, …)

Gaussian distribution that is 0 outside of low, high.

zfit.pdf.WrapDistribution(distribution, …)

Baseclass to wrap tensorflow-probability distributions automatically.

zfit.pdf.Cauchy(m, gamma, obs[, name])

Non-relativistic Breit-Wigner (Cauchy) PDF representing the energy distribution of a decaying particle.

zfit.pdf.Chebyshev(obs, coeffs[, …])

Linear combination of Chebyshev (first kind) polynomials of order len(coeffs), coeffs are scaling factors.

zfit.pdf.Legendre(obs, coeffs[, …])

Linear combination of Legendre polynomials of order len(coeffs), the coeffs are overall scaling factors.

zfit.pdf.Chebyshev2(obs, coeffs[, …])

Linear combination of Chebyshev (second kind) polynomials of order len(coeffs), coeffs are scaling factors.

zfit.pdf.Hermite(obs, coeffs[, …])

Linear combination of Hermite polynomials (for physics) of order len(coeffs), with coeffs as scaling factors.

zfit.pdf.Laguerre(obs, coeffs[, …])

Linear combination of Laguerre polynomials of order len(coeffs), the coeffs are overall scaling factors.

zfit.pdf.RecursivePolynomial(obs, coeffs[, …])

1D polynomial generated via three-term recurrence.

zfit.pdf.ProductPDF(pdfs[, obs, name])

zfit.pdf.SumPDF(pdfs[, fracs, obs, name])

Create the sum of the pdfs with fracs as coefficients or the yields, if extended pdfs are given.

zfit.pdf.GaussianKDE1DimV1(obs, data[, …])

EXPERIMENTAL, FEEDBACK WELCOME One dimensional, (truncated) Kernel Density Estimation with a Gaussian Kernel.

zfit.pdf.ZPDF(obs[, name])

zfit.pdf.SimplePDF(obs, func[, name])

zfit.pdf.SimpleFunctorPDF(obs, pdfs, func[, …])